Article 75 of the Family Code of the Philippines provides that “marriages between Filipino citizens abroad may be solemnized by consuls and vice-consuls of the Republic of the Philippines. The duties of the local civil registrar and of a judge or justice of the peace or mayor with regard to the celebration of marriage shall be performed by such consuls and vice-consuls.”

Procedure for Solemnization of Marriage at the Embassy

Steps Solemnization of Marriage 1 


You may email the Consular Section of the Embassy at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Steps Solemnization of Marriage 2


  1. Notice of Intended Marriage (template here)
  2. Affidavit of Civil Status (template here)
  3. Application for a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage (template here)
  4. Four originals of the Report of Marriage form (template here
  5. Originals and photocopies of PSA-issued, DFA-apostillized Birth Certificates of applicants
  6. Originals and photocopies of PSA-issued, DFA-apostillized Certificates of No Marriage (CENOMAR) of applicants dated within the last six months
  7. Photocopies of applicants’ Philippine passports
  8. Names of two (2) to four (4) witnesses above 21 years of age
  9. Photocopies of witnesses’ identification documents (passport or residence card/ID)
Steps Solemnization of Marriage 3


If either or both parties are between 18 and 21 years of age

  • a duly notarized (and DFA-apostillized, if parents are residing in the Philippines) Affidavit of Parental Consent to the marriage signed by the father, mother, guardian, or persons having legal charge of them, in the order mentioned; the statement must be made in the presence of two witnesses and attested before a notary public or other official authorized to administer oaths

Note: The absence of parental consent makes the marriages voidable at the option of the minor party.

If either or both parties are between 21 and 25 years of age

  • a duly notarized (and DFA-apostillized, if parents are residing in the Philippines) Statement of Parental Advice to said marriage, signed by the father, mother, guardian, or persons having legal charge of them

Note: The lack or refusal of parental advice will delay the issuance of a marriage license until after 30 days following the 10 days publication of the application.

If either or both of the parties were previously married

  • Present Death Certificate of the deceased spouse, or the judicial divorce decree, or the Declaration of Nullity of Marriage, as the case may be (document must be duly notarized and apostillized).

Go to the Embassy's appointment page to choose an appointment slot.

Important: Submit your requirements at least fifteen (15) days before the date of the Solemnization of Marriage.

Steps Solemnization of Marriage 5 SUBMIT REQUIREMENTS AT THE EMBASSY.

On your scheduled appointment date, submit all requirements and pay all necessary fees in cash at the Consular Section of the Embassy.

Processing fees (to be paid in cash):
  • Solemnization fee: €60.00
  • Report of Marriage Fee: €25.00
  • Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage (per applicant)
    • Application for a Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage (affidavit): €25.00
    • Certificate of Legal Capacity to Contract Marriage: €25.00
    • Affidavit of Civil Status notarization fee: €25.00

Personal appearance of both applicants is required. Applicants will be interviewed by a consular officer and/or the Consul or Vice Consul.

The Notice of Intended Marriage will be posted at the Embassy premises for ten (10) consecutive days before a marriage license is issued and the marriage solemnized.

Steps Solemnization of Marriage 6


If there are no objections after the 10-day notice, the Solemnization of Marriage will be performed by the assigned Consul or Vice Consul on a scheduled date at the Embassy.

Contracting parties as well as their guests are requested to come in semi-formal attire on the date of the solemnization of marriage.

Claim your Certificate of Marriage and Report of Marriage right after the ceremony.