Note: Appointment is necessary for the processing of au pair contracts at the Embassy. Our consular window is open from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., Mondays to Fridays, except on Philippine and Belgian Public Holidays.

Important Advisory: As of 14 May 2019, the Philippines’ accession to the Apostille Convention (on the authentication/legalization of documents) has replaced the issuance of authentication certificates with the affixation of the apostille page to official documents by the Department of Foreign Affairs. However, this does not apply to Belgian/Luxembourgish au pair contracts. The process applied to such contracts by Philippine Embassies/Consulates is called attestation, NOT authentication. 


  • Au pair – the term used to describe a young Filipino citizen, usually between 18 and 30 years of age, unmarried and without any children, placed under a cultural exchange arrangement with a European host family for a maximum stay of two (2) years, unless otherwise allowed by host countries.
  • Au pair scheme – under this scheme, the au pair is placed in an immersion program in cultural and language learning in a specific European country of destination. He/She shall live with the host family at par (au pair) or on an equal basis with the immediate members of the host family, shall be given pocket money, share in child care, light household chores and responsibilities previously agreed upon in an au pair placement contract between the au pair and host family.
  • Host family – refers to the family that the au pair will be living with for the duration of the au pair contract. Diplomats and other similarly situated persons are disqualified from being considered under this scheme.


Filipino au pairs bound for Europe shall present to the Immigration Officer at the port of exit the following documents:

            A. Pre-departure requirements        

1. Contract of engagement or letter of undertaking to engage signed by the au pair and the head of the host family duly notarized by the Philippine Embassy/Consulate in the European country of destination;

2. Copy of valid passport with valid au pair visa or its equivalent to the destination country; and

3. After the issuance of the visa by the respective diplomatic post, the au pair shall be asked to attend a country familiarization seminar (CFS) to be conducted by the Commission on Filipino Overseas (CFO), which will then issue a CFS sticker affixed on the passport. A minimal fee, which shall be determined by the CFO, shall be charged for attending the CFS.

            B. Post-arrival requirements in the country of destination

Upon arrival in the specific European country of destination, au pairs shall register themselves at the relevant Philippine Embassy/Consulate.

Each Philippine Embassy/Consulate in the specific European country of destination shall maintain a database of au pairs in their jurisdiction for monitoring purposes.


The host family shall shoulder all travel costs related to the sponsoring of the Filipino au pair. This includes cost of visa, CFS sticker and airfare.

The au pair shall be responsible for the cost of the passport, medical examination and other similar documentation costs not shouldered by the host family.

The CFS sticker from CFO entitles the au pair to exemptions from Philippine travel tax and airport terminal fee.


The contract of the Filipino au pair shall be prescribed by the government of the European country of destination and shall include a provision that in the event of death of the au pair during the term of his/her contract, the repatriation of his/her remains and transport of his/her personal belongings and all costs attendant thereto shall be shouldered by the host family. The host family may secure repatriation insurance for this purpose.

In case the repatriation of remains is not possible, the same may be disposed of upon prior approval of the au pair’s next of kin.

In the event that the au pair becomes ill or injured to the extent that he/she can no longer fulfil his/her contract and after proper medical assistance has been provided him/her, the cost of his/her repatriation to the Philippines and all costs attendant thereto shall be at the expense of the host family. The host family may secure repatriation insurance for this purpose.


The father or mother of the host family may appear in person at the Embassy to submit the documentary requirements.

  1. Au Pair Contract/Agreement (original and one photocopy)

If in French or Dutch, the agreement must be submitted with a sworn English translation, legalized by the Belgian/Luxembourg Ministry of Justice and apostillized by the Belgian/Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

If the agreement is already in English, it must be notarized by a Belgian/Luxembourg notary public or the commune/gemeente/city hall governing the applicant’s place of residence. The agreement must also be apostillized by the Belgian/Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs.    

2. Signed Addendum (original and one photocopy)

-Click HERE to download addendum template

3. Host parents’ valid passport data pages and national identity cards (two photocopies)

4. Au pair’s passport and approved work permit (two photocopies)

5. Attestation fee: €25.00

Note: Please present the official receipt issued by the Embassy upon claiming the document. If you wish for your document to be mailed to your present official address, you may submit a self-addressed, registered-mail envelope with the correct type and number of stamps.



Federal Public Service Justice in Brussels

Boulevard de Waterloo 115, 1000 Brussels

Contact number: +32 2 508 61 11

Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs in Brussels

Rue des Petits Carmes 27, 1000 Brussels

Contact number: +32 2 501 81 11

For e-apostille and e-legalization services:



Ministère de la Justice (Ministry of Justice)

13, rue Erasme – Centre administratif Pierre Werner, L-2934 Luxembourg

Contact number: (+352) 247-84537

Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes

(Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs)

9, rue du Palais de Justice, L-1841 Luxembourg

Contact number: (+352) 247-82300

For e-apostille and e-legalization services:

Commission on Filipinos Overseas Information on CFS

As of 1 March 2012, CFS for Europe bound Au Pair is conducted only In Manila at:           

Citigold Center, 1345 Pres. Quirino Avenue cor. Osmeña Highway (South Superhighway)

Manila, Philippines 1007

Tel. No.: (02) 552-4700

Fax No.: (02) 561-8332

E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


CFO's Country Familiarization Flyer for Au Pairs