Pan-European number for all emergencies: 112 |

This emergency number can be contacted anywhere in the European Union countries for free, plus certain other countries such as Israel, Norway and Russia – but only for “emergency situations,” or for serious accidents (if someone needs to be pulled from a vehicle, if a dangerous big animal escapes, such as a horse or snake, or to clear a road after a storm). The unique benefit of the 112 number is that it can be called from any telephone, including mobiles without a SIM.

The operators in Belgium will speak English, French, Dutch and sometimes German. The caller has to provide his exact location, address and details on the accident and wounded people.
The EU also runs 116 helplines in certain member states.

Fire, medical emergency or ambulance in Belgium: 100

In Belgium, local emergencies are organised under the free 100 number, which can be called for any accident or emergency. An operator will arrange assistance and contact the emergency services. It works similar to 112 except that a SIM is needed for calls via mobile phones (unlike 112).

  • Police: 101 |
  • Fire brigade: 100 |
  • Red Cross ambulance: 105 | (French)
  • (Dutch) | Help and intervention in case of disaster.
  • Anti-poison centre: 070 245 245 | | 24/7 urgent medical aid and advice on drugs, medication, poisons and etc.
  • Bank card lost or stolen: Cardstop 070 344 344 and Mijn kaart | Belgium's national service can cancel bank and credit cards 24/7.
  • Lost and stolen Belgian IDs, passports and residence permits: Documents are blocked by calling the government service DocStop | Call 00800 2123 2123 | 24/7
  • Gas and electricity emergencies: Call the area provider for emergency information or 0800 87 870 for gas smells | Brussels (Sibelga): No electricity, call 02 274 4066 or see power cuts in Brussels. | If one smells gas, call 0800 1940.
  • Government information: Rijksoverheid 1400 | From abroad +31 77 4656 767 | online | Twitter @Rijksoverheid
  • Information directories: French 1307 | Dutch 1207 | Golden Pages Belgium | White Pages Belgium
  • Hospitals: Visit for a full listing of hospitals in Belgium.
  • Burn centres (centres de brûlés): Brussels 02 264 4848 (emergency dispatch) or 02 268 6200 | Antwerp 03 217 7595 | Charleroi 071 10 6000 | Ghent 09 332 3490 | Liege 04 366 7294 | Louvain 016 348 750
  • Pharmacists on duty: 0903 99 000 (EUR 1.50/min) | French – postcode must be entered to find the nearest one.
  • Emergency doctors: on duty, on call, out-of-hours: Brussels: GBBW 02 201 2222 (French/Dutch/English) | Médi-Garde 02 479 1818 (French) SOS Médecins02 513 0202 (French) | BHAK (Brusselse Huisartsen Kring) 02 242 43 44 (Dutch); Rest of Belgium: 100; Information directory: French 1307 | Dutch 1207 | An on-call doctor is assigned per region.
  • Emergency dentists: on call, on duty and out-of-hours: Brussels: 02 426 1026; Rest of Belgium 100
  • Missing children: 116 000 |
  • Victim of a crime: 116 006 | Advice on local police, criminal proceedings, compensation possibilities and insurance.
  • Child support helplines: 116 111
  • Non-emergency medical treatment: 116 117 | Can put you in contact with a medical expert or clinic for non-urgent medical issues, including out-of-hours treatment.
  • Emotional support: 116 123 | For people in crisis of loneliness, suicide or other potentially harmful psychological states.
  • Calling codes in Belgium. Emergency calls to numbers such as 100, 101, 103, 107, 110 and 112 are free. Numbers beginning with 0800 are also free.
  • BE-Alert:

The government urges all residents in Belgium to register with their BE-Alert system, which enables them to inform residents about imminent disasters, for example floods, severe storms or explosions, via Twitter, Facebook, text, e-mail or phone call.

CHS Helpline: English-speaking Community Help Service in Brussels
Community Help Service (CHS) is a volunteer counselling service set up for internationals (adults and children) to discuss emotional problems or offer advice:
CHS Help Line: 02 648 4014 | For anonymous crisis support
Mental Health Centre: 02 647 6780 | Talk with English-speaking mental health professionals

Crisis helplines and support in Belgium
Tele-Onthaal 106 for support and advice in Flemish/Dutch
Télé-Accueil 107 in French
Telefonhilife 108 for German
Cancer Foundation: 0800 15 801 (French/Dutch)

Support for children and youngsters
Ecoute Efants: 103 (French)
AWEL Kinder-en jongerentelefoon (Dutch): 102
SOS Jeunes (French): 02 512 90 20
Teleblok: Online support for students during exams

Emergency phone numbers in Luxembourg

Ambulance/medical emergency: 112

Emergency vet: 112

Fire: 112

Fire brigade, Luxembourg City:  44 22 44

Police:  113

Suicide/crisis helpline: 45 45 45

The caller must:

  1. State the exact location where assistance is needed.
  2. State their name and telephone 
  3. State what happened, and if it is still happening.
  4. State how many people need help.
  5. State if there are any other dangers.

All emergency numbers can be reached from pay phones, without the use of a phone card or money.

European SOS 112

The number 112 can be dialled to reach emergency services - medical, fire and police - from anywhere in Europe. This Pan-European emergency number 112can be called from any telephone (landline, pay phone or mobile cellular phone). Calls are free. It can be used for any life-threatening situation, including:

It is also possible to call 112 to find an on-duty doctor, pharmacy, hospital or vet. A list is also published daily on the last page of the Tageblatt newspaper.

Crisis and Helplines in Luxembourg

Service Telephone
Narcotics Anonymous Tel: 621 24 20 64 Website
Alcoholics Anonymous (Alcooliques Anonymes) Tel: 22 71 58 Website
Medicine and alcohol addictions (Alcool médicaments addiction) Tel: 26 78 28 58 Website (in French)
Helpline for drug addicts and their families (Aide aux toxicomanes et leur famille) Tel: 49 10 40
Drug and alcohol information helpline (Info Drogue/Alcool) Tel: 47 57 47
Children's helpline (Aide aux enfants et jeunes gens) - Kanner Jugendtelefon Tel: 12345
Suicide/crisis line (SOS Détresse) Tel: 45 45 45
AIDS helpline (Aids Hëllef) Tel: 44 02 64
Parkinson disease helpline (Association Parkinson) Tel: 54 62 21 Website (in French and German)
Alzheimer helpline (Association Alzheimer - ALA) Tel: 26 432 432 Website
Helpline for the blind (Aveugles) Tel: 32 90 31-1
Luxembourg Mental Health Centre (Centre Santé Mentale Luxembourg) Tel: 49 30 29
Battered women helpline (Femmes battues) Tel: 44 81 81
Women's helpline (Aide aux femmes en général) Tel: 12344
Rape and abuse helpline (Info Viol) Tel: 49 58 54 Information
SOS Animals (SOS Animaux) Tel: 58 35 91  Website


The Collège Médical is the overseeing body for all medical doctors, dentists and pharmacists working in Luxembourg. The website can be used to search for a doctor specialising in any discipline. Many doctors in Luxembourg speak English although their receptionists may not.

  • Search for a doctor by discipline or town, or a dentist or pharmacist by town in Luxembourg (in French)


An emergency vet service for injured or ill animals is available at all times (24/7) across the Grand-Duchy. Most veterinarians speak fluent English.


In general, pharmacies are open from 08:30-12:00 and 13:45-18:30. Each pharmacy will have a sign in the window with the address of the nearest all-night pharmacy and a list of pharmacies that close late. Most chemists speak English.


A list of on-duty hospitals, open for emergencies, is published every day on the last page of Tageblatt newspaper and is also available on the LuxWeb website.

Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg At: 4 Ernest Barblé, L-1210 Luxembourg Tel: 44 11-1 Fax: 44 87 62Website
Hôpital Kirchberg At: 9 rue Edward Steichen, L-2540 Luxembourg Tel: 24 68-1 Website
Zithaklinik At: 36 rue Ste Zithe, L-3763 Luxembourg Tel: 28 88-1 Website
Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg, Clinique d'Eich At: 78 rue d'Eich, L-1460 Luxembourg Tel: 44 11 1-2 Fax: 42 17 42Website
Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg, Maternité G-D Charlotte At: 2 rue Federspiel, L-1512 Luxembourg Tel: 44 11 11 Fax: 44 11 37 56Website
Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg, Clinique Pédiatrique At: 4 rue Ernest Barblé, L-1210 Luxembourg Tel: 44 11 31 33 Fax: 44 11 38 02 Website


Emergency phrases and medical terms in French and Dutch:

Accident: Accident / Ongeluk
Emergency: Urgence / Spoedgeval
Ambulance: Ambulance / Ziekenwagen
Doctor: Médécin / Doctor
Police: Police / Politie
Extremely ill: Très malade / Heel ziek
I need an ambulance: J’ai besoin d’une ambulance / Ik heb een ziekenwagen nodig.
I need a doctor: Il me faut un médécin / Ik heb een doctor nodig
I need the police: J’ai besoin de la police Ik heb de politie nodig